%0 Journal Article %T CONCEPT APPLICATION MANAGEMENT FUTURE FOR FORECASTING OF FINANCIAL RESULTS INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES/§±§²§ª§®§¦§¯§¦§¯§ª§¦ §¬§°§¯§¸§¦§±§¸§ª§ª §µ§±§²§¡§£§­§¦§¯§ª§¦ §¢§µ§¥§µ§»§ª§® §¥§­§Á §±§²§°§¤§¯§°§©§ª§²§°§£§¡§¯§ª§Á §¶§ª§¯§¡§¯§³§°§£§½§· §²§¦§©§µ§­§¾§´§¡§´§°§£ §±§²§°§®§½§º§­§¦§¯§¯§½§· §±§²§¦§¥§±§²§ª§Á§´§ª§« %A T.A. Golovina %J Voprosy Sovremennoj ¨¨konomiki %D 2013 %I Nau?noe Obozrenie %X In article the paradigm of kontrollingovy management by the industrial economic systems, differing focus on management future by realization of a package of measures of the early prevention and mechanism creation for development and adoption of administrative decisions in the conditions of nonlinear development of economic systems with use of instruments of forecasting and planning of financial results is formulated %K kontrollingovy management %K nonlinearity of development of economic systems %K forecasting of financial results %U http://economic-journal.net/2013/04/primenenie-koncepcii-upravlenie-budushhim/