%0 Journal Article %T CONSTRUINDO O RELEVO TERRESTRE: OS PRIM¨®RDIOS DA GEOMORFOLOGIA NAS OBRAS DE BURNET, BUFFON E HUTTON - DOI: 10.7154/RDG.2012.0024.0005 %A William Zanete Bertolini %A William Zanete Bertolini %J Revista do Departamento de Geografia %D 2012 %I Universidade de S?o Paulo %R 10.7154/rdg.v0i24.325 %X O estudo das formas da superf¨ªcie terrestre possui ra¨ªzes nas cosmosgrafias dos s¨¦culos XVII e XVIII e passa gradativamente a um est¨¢gio cada vez mais cient¨ªfico com os trabalhos desenvolvidos no contexto da hist¨®ria natural dos s¨¦culos XVIII e XIX. Esta ¨¦ a ideia que se defende e que se tenta demonstrar neste trabalho a partir das concep es sobre a origem e estrutura o da superf¨ªcie da Terra de Thomas Burnet (1635 - 1690), Buffon (1707 - 1788) e James Hutton (1726 - 1797). Building earth¡¯s relief: the rise of geomorphology in the works of Burnet, Buffon and Hutton Abstract: The study of landforms has roots in the cosmographies of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and gradually goes to a stage more scientific with the works undertaken in the context of the natural history of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This is the idea that defends and tries to show that this work, from the conceptions about the origin and structure of the surface of the Earth by Thomas Burnet (1635 - 1690), Buffon (1707 - 1788) and James Hutton (1726 - 1797). DOI: 10.7154/RDG.2012.0024.0005 %K Geomorfologia Geologia Geoci¨ºncias %U http://citrus.uspnet.usp.br/rdg/ojs/index.php/rdg/article/view/325