%0 Journal Article %T FEATURES OF ORGANIZATION OF THE TAX ADMINISTRATION IN CONDITIONS OF POST-CRISIS DEVELOPMENT/ §°§³§°§¢§¦§¯§¯§°§³§´§ª §°§²§¤§¡§¯§ª§©§¡§¸§ª§ª §¯§¡§­§°§¤§°§£§°§¤§° §¡§¥§®§ª§¯§ª§³§´§²§ª§²§°§£§¡§¯§ª§Á §£ §µ§³§­§°§£§ª§Á§· §±§°§³§´§¬§²§ª§©§ª§³§¯§°§¤§° §²§¡§©§£§ª§´§ª§Á %A Proskura Ekaterina Petrovna %J Voprosy Sovremennoj ¨¨konomiki %D 2013 %I Nau?noe Obozrenie %X The features and problems of tax administration in the conditions of post-crisis development of the economy, when many industries still have the crisis, but there is a gradual increase in business activity. We need to pay attention to the fact that an important function of the tax system in these conditions, along with the fiscal, is a regulatory one and tax policy in general, as part of the fiscal policy of the state, serves as a powerful lever to regulate economic activity and economic growth. Based on the analysis of current trends the proposals developed for improving the performance of the tax authorities¡¯ activity in the field of tax administration. %K tax system %K taxpayers %K tax evasion %K violation of tax laws %K tax administration %K government regulation of the economy %U http://economic-journal.net/2013/07/111/