%0 Journal Article %T VENTURE FINANCING OF NANOTECHOLOGY IN RUSSIA: PROBLEMS AND PRIORITIES/ §£§¦§¯§¹§µ§²§¯§°§¦ §¶§ª§¯§¡§¯§³§ª§²§°§£§¡§¯§ª§¦ §¯§¡§¯§°§´§¦§·§¯§°§­§°§¤§ª§« §£ §²§°§³§³§ª§ª : §±§²§°§¢§­§¦§®§½ §ª §±§²§ª§°§²§ª§´§¦§´§½ %A M.V. Vasiljeva %A G.E. Muslimova %J Voprosy Sovremennoj ¨¨konomiki %D 2013 %I Nau?noe Obozrenie %X The article discloses the role of venture capital in the development of nanoindustry in Russia compared to other sources of funding nanotechnology projects in terms of its integration into the global innovation environment. The main problems of the venture industry in Russia and prerequisites of the existing model of venture funding of nanotechnology transformation are identified as well as conceptual directions for improvement are developed. %K nanotechnologies %K innovations %K venture financing %U http://economic-journal.net/2013/04/venchurnoe-finansirovanie-nanotexnologij-v-rossii-problemy-i-prioritety/