%0 Journal Article %T USE OF FUNCTIONALITY CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR MANAGEMENT OF MARKETING ACTIVITY IN TRADE ORGANIZATIONS/ §ª§³§±§°§­§¾§©§°§£§¡§¯§ª§¦ §¶§µ§¯§¬§¸§ª§°§¯§¡§­§¾§¯§½§· §£§°§©§®§°§¨§¯§°§³§´§¦§« CRM-§³§ª§³§´§¦§®§½ §¥§­§Á §µ§±§²§¡§£§­§¦§¯§ª§Á §³§¢§½§´§°§£§°§« §¥§¦§Á§´§¦§­§¾§¯§°§³§´§¾§À §£ §´§°§²§¤§°§£§½§· §°§²§¤§¡§¯§ª§©§¡§¸§ª§Á§· %A T.A. Golovina %A I.L. Avdeeva %J Voprosy Sovremennoj ¨¨konomiki %D 2013 %I Nau?noe Obozrenie %X In article need of introduction of CRM systems for trade organizations as besides the standard methods of stimulation of marketing activity the enterprises need to use and the progressive forms based on functionality of information systems is proved. %K CRM-system %K trade organizations %K management of marketing activity %U http://economic-journal.net/2013/07/1312/