%0 Journal Article %T INVESTMENT MODEL OF BUSINESS ANGELS IN THE BRANCH OF NANOTECHNOLOGY/ §ª§¯§£§¦§³§´§ª§¸§ª§°§¯§¯§¡§Á §®§°§¥§¦§­§¾ §¢§ª§©§¯§¦§³-§¡§¯§¤§¦§­§°§£ §£ §°§¢§­§¡§³§´§ª §¯§¡§¯§°§´§¦§·§¯§°§­§°§¤§ª§« %A I.V. Vasiljev %J Voprosy Sovremennoj ¨¨konomiki %D 2013 %I Nau?noe Obozrenie %X The article deals with ways to address the gap between basic research and commercial application of their results in the field of nanotechnology. Detail the commercialization of research results and the basic models of financing start-ups. %K nanotechnologies %K venture investment %K business angels %K research and development %K innovation %U http://economic-journal.net/2013/04/investicionnaya-model-biznes-angelov-v-oblasti-nanotexnologij/