%0 Journal Article %T STATE AND MUNICIPAL FINANCE CONTROL AS A MANAGEMENT FUNCTION THE REGIONAL ECONOMY: THE MECHANISM AND DIRECTION OF THE IMPACTS IN RELATION TO REGIONS OF VARIOUS TYPES/§¤§°§³§µ§¥§¡§²§³§´§£§¦§¯§¯§½§« §ª §®§µ§¯§ª§¸§ª§±§¡§­§¾§¯§½§« §¶§ª§¯§¡§¯§³§°§£§°-§¢§À§¥§¨§¦§´§¯§½§« §¬§°§¯§´§²§°§­§¾ §¬§¡§¬ §¶§µ§¯§¬§¸§ª§Á §µ§±§²§¡§£§­§¦§¯§ª§Á §¿§¬§°§¯§°§®§ª§¬§°§« §²§¦§¤§ª§°§¯§°§£: §®§¦§·§¡§¯§ª§©§® §ª §¯§¡§±§²§¡§£§­§¦§¯§ª§Á §£§°§©§¥§¦§«§³§´§£§ª§« §±§²§ª§®§¦§¯§ª§´§¦§­§¾§¯§° §¬ §²§¦§¤§ª§°§¯§¡§® §²§¡§©§­§ª§¹§¯§°§¤§° §´§ª§±§¡ %A M.V. Vasiljeva %J Voprosy Sovremennoj ¨¨konomiki %D 2013 %I Nau?noe Obozrenie %X In the article the mechanism of impact on the economy of regions of different types of differentiated forms and methods of control for increase of efficiency of use of budgetary resources of territories %K budget control %K economy %K management %K budget classification of regions %U http://economic-journal.net/2013/07/2121/