%0 Journal Article %T FEATURES AND EFFECTS OF INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATION OF THE FINANCIAL MARKETS/ §°§³§°§¢§¦§¯§¯§°§³§´§ª §ª §±§°§³§­§¦§¥§³§´§£§ª§Á §®§¦§¨§¥§µ§¯§¡§²§°§¥§¯§°§« §ª§¯§´§¦§¤§²§¡§¸§ª§ª §¯§¡ §¶§ª§¯§¡§¯§³§°§£§½§· §²§½§¯§¬§¡§· %A A.A. Kotova %J Voprosy Sovremennoj ¨¨konomiki %D 2013 %I Nau?noe Obozrenie %X The article presents a model of international financial integration, shows the advantages and disadvantages of integration of financial markets, identified the benefits and potential risks of the penetration of foreign banks in the financial markets. %K financial markets %K financial integration %K international Finance %K financial stability %K international capital flows %U http://economic-journal.net/2013/04/osobennosti-i-posledstviya-mezhdunarodnoj-integracii-na-finansovyx-rynkax/