%0 Journal Article %T INNOVATIVE POLICY OF DEVELOPMENT OF NANOTECHNOLOGIES/ §ª§¯§¯§°§£§¡§¸§ª§°§¯§¯§¡§Á §±§°§­§ª§´§ª§¬§¡ §²§¡§©§£§ª§´§ª§Á §¯§¡§¯§°§´§¦§·§¯§°§­§°§¤§ª§« %A M.V. Vasiljeva %J Voprosy Sovremennoj ¨¨konomiki %D 2013 %I Nau?noe Obozrenie %X Start from the main technical and economic characteristics of nanotechnologies, in the article it is shown that to innovative policy in the sphere of nanotechnologies in Russia doesn¡¯t get systematic vision of innovative processes. Attempt to prove that economic subventions as one of the main tools used in Russia for assistance to nanotechnologies ¨C important, but the insufficient tool for achievement of the objectives for which they are intended is made. %K nanotechnologies %K investments %K innovations %K economic subventions %U http://economic-journal.net/2013/04/innovacionnaya-politika-razvitiya-nanotexnologij/