%0 Journal Article %T TRENDS IN THE RUSSIAN FINANCIAL MARKET CONDITIONS AND INTEGRATION INTO THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM/§´§¦§¯§¥§¦§¯§¸§ª§ª §²§°§³§³§ª§«§³§¬§°§¤§° §¶§ª§¯§¡§¯§³§°§£§°§¤§° §²§½§¯§¬§¡ §ª §µ§³§­§°§£§ª§Á §ª§¯§´§¦§¤§²§¡§¸§ª§ª §£ §®§ª§²§°§£§µ§À §¶§ª§¯§¡§¯§³§°§£§µ§À §³§ª§³§´§¦§®§µ %A A.A. Kotova %J Voprosy Sovremennoj ¨¨konomiki %D 2013 %I Nau?noe Obozrenie %X The article presents the trends in the Russian financial market and the conditions for integration into the global financial system. Main directions of integration of the financial market of Russia into the global financial system, such as: reform of the existing model of the financial market in Russia with respect to evade speculative model integration and development with developing countries, countries of CIS and BRIC. Stimulation of real investment in the Russian economy. Regular monitoring of investment imbalances in the framework of the state investment policy with regard to determine the excess or deficit of the necessary investment capital by comparing the maximum amount of available internal resources and investment needs within the planned period. %K financial market %K financial integration %K international Finance %K financial stability of the world financial system %U http://economic-journal.net/2013/07/212/