%0 Journal Article %T Feasibility in Using Technological Resources for Implementing the Environmental Culture Cross-Cutting Factor for Sustainable Development in the Costa Rican Basic General Education Factibilidad de la utilizaci車n de recursos tecnol車gicos en la implementaci車n del eje transversal cultura ambiental para el desarrollo sostenible en la Educaci車n General B芍sica de Costa Rica %A Lorna Matarrita Rom芍n %A Jessica Serrano Calvo %A Mar赤a Isabel Torres Salas %A Giselle Le車n Le車n %J Revista Electr車nica Educare %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X The purpose of this research was to analyze whether the use of technological resources may be feasible in the implementation of the environmental culture cross-cutting factor for sustainable development, which focuses on environmental issues related to the contents of the Science study program for the seventh year of the basic general education. The research design is qualitative with a dominant approach and uses some quantitative elements specifically in the design of instruments and some data analysis techniques. The type of study was developed with a multi-method approach; a trend that has been shaping a research style which integrates various methods in a single design. For this, we identified the didactic strategies and their relationship to both, technology and the environmental axis for sustainable development, used by six Science teachers of the 7th grade, in public institutions of the province of Heredia, Central Valley, Costa Rica, as well as the opinion of 20 students from that same grade. The main results include the opinions of the students, who showed a considerable interest in classes where technological resources are used. However, teachers do not show great interest or positive opinions on this matter; in addition, they are not well trained on the use of technological resources. It was also identified that the teaching personal who participated in the study do not develop this curricular axis. Recibido 19 de junio de 2012 Corregido 16 de setiembre de 2012 Aceptado 07 de noviembre de 2012 El prop車sito de esta investigaci車n fue analizar si, en la implementaci車n del eje transversal cultural ambiental para el desarrollo sostenible, que enfatiza en problem芍ticas ambientales relacionadas con los contenidos del programa de Ciencias de s谷ptimo a o de la Educaci車n B芍sica, puede ser factible la utilizaci車n de recursos tecnol車gicos. El dise o de la investigaci車n fue cualitativo con enfoque dominante, con algunos elementos de corte cuantitativo, espec赤ficamente en el dise o de instrumentos y algunas t谷cnicas de an芍lisis de datos. El tipo de estudio se desarroll車 con un enfoque multim谷todo, tendencia que ha ido perfilando un estilo de investigaci車n en el que se integran distintos m谷todos en un mismo dise o. Para ello, se determinaron cu芍les fueron las estrategias did芍cticas y su relaci車n con la tecnolog赤a y el eje cultura ambiental para el desarrollo sostenible, utilizadas por 6 docentes de Ciencia que se desempe aron en s谷ptimo a o en instituciones p迆blicas, localizadas en la provincia de Heredia del Valle Central de Costa Rica, as赤 como la opi %K Estrategias did芍cticas %K TIC %K recursos tecnol車gicos %K cultura ambiental %K desarrollo sostenible. %U http://www.revistas.una.ac.cr/index.php/EDUCARE/article/view/4772