%0 Journal Article %T WOMEN AS LEADERS OF LABOUR MIGRATIONS. THE CASE OF INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURE IN SPAIN %A Alicia Reigada-Olaizola %J Ra Ximhai %D 2012 %I Universidad Aut¨®noma Ind¨ªgena de M¨¦xico %X The present article aims to abroad the feminization of work and immigration process that takes place in the intensive crops of strawberries in southern Spain, particularly trough the implementation of the seasonal agricultural workers program. To analyze how women are incorporated to the international workers migration will be addressed, both the dynamics of global agricultural chains that create the conditions from migrant women¡¯s need. The analysis realized from the perspective of feminist anthropology, it¡äs supported on a qualitative methodology based on the techniques of the depth-interviews and the participant observation. %K Global agricultural chains %K Work migration %K Work feminization %K Feminist theory %K Social anthropology %U http://uaim.edu.mx/webraximhai/Ej-22articulosPDF/01-LAS_MUJERES_COMO_PROTAGONISTAS_DE_LAS_MIGRACIONES_Alicia_Reigada.pdf