%0 Journal Article %T THE UNIVERSITY OF THE HIGHLANDS AND ITS IMPACT ON HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. CASE MOCTEZUMA, SONORA %A Ana Judith Barcel¨®-Moreno %A Mercedes Garc¨ªa-Porchas %A V¨ªctor Guadalupe Santiago-Hern¨¢ndez %A Alejandro C¨®rdova-Y¨¢nez %J Ra Ximhai %D 2011 %I Universidad Aut¨®noma Ind¨ªgena de M¨¦xico %X The development of a population should be comprehensive, and there are factors that affect it, but this research, is inclined to the issue of education, as education should be seen as a means to have high human development indices in the case of the town of Moctezuma, Sonora is no exception.This study aims to analyze the impact on human development has been the population of Montezuma, from the creation of the Universidad de la Sierra.As an integral human development is necessarily used quantitative and qualitative indicators in order to observe how they have influenced the population of Montezuma, taking into account that the town has all levels of education from preschool to higher level , to see how this is reflected in its residents. Given the conditions that precede the creation of the Universidad de la Sierra, was assessed with instruments and figures from the human development indicators, UNESCO, UN, UNDP, World Bank, as those organizations that determine the quality indexes in the world, making a comparison and analysis to figures provided by INEGI and CONAPO. %K Human development %K Education %K Moctezuma Sonora %K Universidad de la Sierra. %U http://uaim.edu.mx/webraximhai/Ej-20articulosPDF/09-La_UniSierra_y_su_%20Impacto_en_el_Desarrollo_Humano_UNISIERRA-Ana_Judith.pdf