%0 Journal Article %T SOCIAL MANAGEMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER IN THE SAN JUAN EJIDO, URIREO, SALVATIERRA, GUANAJUATO %A Julieta Aidee D¨ªaz-Rosillo %A Davison Gustavo Mazabel-Dom¨ªnguez %J Ra Ximhai %D 2011 %I Universidad Aut¨®noma Ind¨ªgena de M¨¦xico %X In irrigated agriculture, producers are responsible for the management and administration of multiple common resources, among which include land and water. These common resources are used jointly by the whole community and in the same way are removed, depending on the needs of each individual. In the case of well 15 in the Ejido San Juan, has been maintained to be administered only by users without needing them, so far, the involvement of people outside the community or any government body for best results. %K Water %K Self-management %K Social organization %K Irrigation %K Ejido San Juan %U http://uaim.edu.mx/webraximhai/Ej-21articulosPDF/06GESTION_SOCIAL_DEL_AGUA_DE_RIEGO_EN_EL_EJIDO.pdf