%0 Journal Article %T La Reforma Integral de la Educaci車n B芍sica en M谷xico (RIEB) en la educaci車n primaria: desaf赤os para la formaci車n docente %A Guadalupe Ruiz Cu谷llar %J Revista Electronica Interuniversitaria de Formaci車n del Profesorado %D 2012 %I Asociaci車n Universitaria de Formaci車n del Profesorado %X The article presents the main actions of training developing in Mexico to support the implementation of the Comprehensive Reform of Basic Education at the elementary school level. Addresses the challenges that a curricular reform as this one means, and realizes the need to investigate the effect or contribution of the experiences of today, and the need to cover the training of teachers in service as a topic of professional development in a wide sense. %K Lifelong learning %K Professional development %K Curricular reform %U http://www.aufop.com/aufop/uploaded_files/articulos/1335398629.pdf