%0 Journal Article %T El sometimiento de la especulaci車n al derecho a la alimentaci車n %A Miguel 芍ngel Mart赤n L車pez %J Revista Electr車nica de Estudios Internacionales %D 2011 %I %X Speculation is a real threat for the right to food of millions of people in the world. We saw it at the recent food crisis of 2008 with the extraordinary rising of the price of the basic food and probably it would continue to be produced in the future. Speculation is one of the causes of the crisis, although this behavior is difficult to apprehend and controling it is difficult in order to an effective application of the right to food. The purpose of it this research is exactly to show how to applicate it, taking into consideration it is a right in force in the international order. Thus, it is emphasized the need of to create rules for the instruments of investment, clarifying its transparency and demanding a direct productive destiny. On the other hand, it is necessary to pay attention to the way of acting the speculation, that takes advantage of the lack of control of the information and of the sensation of need and shortage. Naturally, we point out measures of control for the futures markets of these basic food, which concentrate on few hands decisions with global repercussion. Finally, arguments on the legal need are offered to limit the food dependence that suffer numerous countries, what does them very vulnerable to the rising of international prices. %K Speculation %K food crisis %K right to food %K food prices %K Especulaci車n %K crisis alimentaria %K derecho a la alimentaci車n %K precio de los alimentos. %U http://www.reei.org/index.php/revista/num22/notas/sometimiento-especulacion-al-derecho-alimentacion