%0 Journal Article %T La actividad consular de Espa a en el extranjero %A Xavier Mart¨ª Mart¨ª %J Revista Electr¨®nica de Estudios Internacionales %D 2011 %I %X The ever more presence of Spanish citizens abroad makes it necessary for Spain to have each time a much more advanced administrative structure. Although Spain, unlike other European States, does not have a consular act, it has a widely developed legal framework that regulates the exercise of consular powers. In the last few years, the ways and means at the disposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation have increased notably. Nevertheless, this trend has somewhat come to a standstill due to the current economic crisis. The importance of the consular activity, its proximity to citizens and its media scope have turned it into a paramount component of the State¡¯s foreign action and into a key factor in evaluating the performance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. Hence the need to get back on the path that is now impeded by the current economic situation, thereby permitting that the consular function has more improved instruments that allow Spain to rise to the occasion. %K Consular Function %K Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation %K Consular Offices %K Consular Protection and Assistance %K Consular Civil Register %K Notarial Function %K Consular Assistance in case of Death %K International Adoptions %K International Judicial Cooperation %K Register of Spanish Citizens Abroad %K Election Regime for Spanish Citizens Living Abroad %K Councils of Spanish Residents %K General Council of Spanish Citizens Living Abroad %K Issuance of Passports and Safe-conducts %K Issuance of Visas %K Funci %U http://www.reei.org/index.php/revista/num21/notas/actividad-consular-espana-extranjero