%0 Journal Article %T El cobro de deudas en el proyecto OHADAC: Seis propuestas en busca de autor %A Miguel-¨¢ngel Michinel ¨¢lvarez %J Revista Electr¨®nica de Estudios Internacionales %D 2011 %I %X This paper deals with six proposals about debts collection in the framework of the OHADAC Project, on harmonization of Business Law in the Caribbean Area. These proposals focus on different aspects of the problem, as the convenience of creating a Bureau of Enforcement Agents, to limit the jurisdiction to enforce trough specific rules of international jurisdiction, to establish the applicable law to the enforcement procedure and the recommendation of introducing a Caribbean Assets declaration, as well as specific measures related to the attachment of debts, as the need of an enforceable declaration of debt acknowledgment by the third-party-debtor and to guarantee the protection of the third-party against claims from his/her creditor. %K International Enforcement %K International Jurisdiction %K Conflict of Laws %K Attachment of Debts %K OHADAC %K ejecuci¨®n internacional %K competencia judicial %K ley aplicable %K embargo de cr¨¦ditos. %U http://www.reei.org/index.php/revista/num22/notas/cobro-deudas-proyecto-ohadac-seis-propuestas-busca-autor