%0 Journal Article %T The Microbiologic Physico-Chemical Characteristic of Polluted Soil by the Hydrocarbons in the Region of Berkine %A H. Mimoun %A N.Naserallah %A H.Hadjarabi %A M. Kerboua %J American Journal of Oil and Chemical Technologies %D 2013 %I Petrotex Publication Group %R 10.14266 %X This paper focuses on efficiency of the treatment of the soil infected by hydrocarbons, via the method of Landfarming, with bio-restoration and bio-augmentation. Physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of this soil where done with appropriates methods. The study of the treatment soil evaluated by different levels: bacterial development, variation of pH and concentration of hydrocarbons. %K Soil %K Bioremediation %K Mud Pits of drilling %K Hydrocarbons %K Bacterium %K Microbiology %K Bacterial Variation %U http://www.petrotex.us/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/AJOCT-Vol-1-Iss-3-P2.pdf