%0 Journal Article %T Repr¨¦senter et penser l¡¯affrontement : le magazine Vu face ¨¤ la Guerre d¡¯Espagne et ¨¤ la menace d¡¯une deuxi¨¨me guerre mondiale %A Sophie Kurkdjian %J Amnis %D 2011 %I University of Western Brittany %R 10.4000/amnis.1317 %X Cr¨¦¨¦ en 1928, Vu est un magazine qui conf¨¨re ¨¤ la photographie un nouveau r le. Celle-ci constitue le propos m¨ºme du magazine. Homme de gauche, son directeur, Lucien Vogel, est un pacifiste convaincu, dont le regard pos¨¦ sur la p¨¦riode de l¡¯entre-deux-guerres, plus pr¨¦cis¨¦ment entre 1928 et 1936, est particuli¨¨rement int¨¦ressant ¨¤ ¨¦tudier. Cet article s¡¯attachera ¨¤ analyser la mani¨¨re dont Vu couvre la Guerre d¡¯Espagne et rapporte les tensions des ann¨¦es trente, h¨¦rit¨¦es de la Premi¨¨re Guerre mondiale. Dans un premier temps, par l¡¯interm¨¦diaire de photographies et de mises en page destin¨¦es ¨¤ marquer les esprits, Vu tente de pr¨¦venir un nouvel affrontement, la crainte d¡¯une nouvelle guerre ¨¦tant l¡¯obsession de Lucien Vogel. Dans un second temps, lors de la Guerre d¡¯Espagne, Vu prend, d¨¨s le d¨¦but du conflit, fait et cause pour les R¨¦publicains espagnols. L¡¯engagement de Lucien Vogel est tel qu¡¯il est limog¨¦ par ses administrateurs qui lui reprochent d¡¯avoir m¨¦diatis¨¦ l'¨¦v¨¦nement avec un certain parti-pris. Ainsi, dans les deux cas, on se demandera jusqu¡¯¨¤ quel point l¡¯id¨¦ologie politique du directeur du magazine a un impact sur la repr¨¦sentation de cette p¨¦riode de crise et sur l¡¯¨¦laboration de la figure de l¡¯ennemi. On montrera aussi que les nombreuses possibilit¨¦s offertes par la photographie influencent la fa on dont Lucien Vogel appr¨¦hende les ¨¦v¨¦nements de cette p¨¦riode. Vu, created in 1928, is a magazine which endows photography with a new role, in that it became the very contents of the magazine. Its director, Lucien Vogel, is a convinced pacifist with left-wing commitments. His point of view on the period of time, in between the two world wars, is particularly interesting. Our article will study how, between 1928 and 1936, Vu reports the tensions inherited from World War I and covers the Spanish War. In the first place, by means of photographs and eye-catching page settings, Vu tries to prevent a new confrontation, the fear of a new war being the obsession of Lucien Vogel. On the second hand, in its media coverage of the Spanish war, Vu sides, from the beginning of the war, with the cause of the Spanish Republicans. The commitment of Lucien Vogel is such that he is dismissed by the owners of the magazine, who reproach him with his biased point of view. In both cases, one will inquire to which extent the political ideology of the journal¡¯s director has an impact on the representations of the current tensions and on the depiction of the enemy¡¯s figure. It will also be highlighted that the many possibilities offered by photography are significan %K France %K War Culture %K Vu magazine %K Lucien Vogel %K Spanish War %K World War II. %K Guerra Civil %K Francia %K Cultura de guerra %K revista Vu %K Lucien Vogel %K Segunda Guerra Mundial. %K France %K Culture de guerre %K magazine Vu %K Lucien Vogel %K Guerre d¡¯Espagne %K Seconde Guerre mondiale. %U http://amnis.revues.org/1317