%0 Journal Article %T Educa o, trabalho e g¨ºnero na sociedade ind¨ªgena: estudo sobre os Kaingang de Faxinal no Paran¨¢ (Education, work and gender in the indigenous society: a study on the Kaingang of the Faxinal community in the state of Paran¨¢) %A Rosangela C¨¦lia Faustino %A Simone Jacomini Novak %A Vanessa de Souza Lan£¿a %J Revista Emancipa£¿£¿o %D 2010 %I Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa %X Resumo: A produ o acad¨ºmica e bibliogr¨¢fica voltada para a tem¨¢tica ind¨ªgena tem revelado a aus¨ºncia de debates e pesquisas sobre quest es de g¨ºnero e especificidades das mulheres no interior das organiza es socioculturais ind¨ªgenas. Nesse sentido, o presente texto discute o papel da mulher ind¨ªgena Kaingang no Paran¨¢, focando sua importancia na comunidade. Dentre os fatores analisados, est o as quest es socioecon micas, pol¨ªticas, educacionais e lingu¨ªsticas. Por meio de pesquisa qualitativa, quantitativa e bibliogr¨¢fica, procurou-se verificar se a educa o escolar tem priorizado projetos voltados ¨¤ quest o de g¨ºnero, bem como ao papel da mulher na sociedade e na escola. Abstract: The academic production and the reference material available regarding indigenous issues have been revealing a lack of debate and research on issues such as gender and the characteristics of the women within the indigenous organizations dealing with social and cultural matters. Therefore, this paper discusses the role of indigenous Kaingang women in the state of Paran¨¢, focusing on their importance in the community. Among the analyzed factors are the socioeconomic, political, educational and linguistic issues. By means of a qualitative/quantitative research and of the analysis of the available literature, the authors sought to verify whether or not the school has prioritized projects aimed at the issues of gender and of the role of women in society and in the school. %K ¨ªndios Kaingang. G¨ºnero. Educa o. %U http://www.revistas2.uepg.br/index.php/emancipacao/article/view/Emancipacao.v.10i1.341350/968