%0 Journal Article %T El retorno de Susana Soca %A Valentina Litvan£¿Shaw %J Amerika : M¨¦moires, Identit¨¦s, Territoires %D 2011 %I Universit¨¦ de Rennes 2 %R 10.4000/amerika.2612 %X El retorno de Susana Soca a la cr¨ªtica uruguaya1 tras varias d¨¦cadas de silencio es significativo de la actualidad de una figura que, gracias a su revista La Licorne, publicada en dos etapas (Par¨ªs 1947 ¨CMontevideo 1953), representa de manera indiscutible las relaciones literarias transatl¨¢nticas de mediados del siglo XX. Y si tras el acontecimiento tr¨¢gico de su muerte en 1959 Susana Soca qued¨® relegada del campo literario es, en parte, por el elemento extranjerizante y anacr¨®nico que encarnaba en un momento de aguda conciencia cr¨ªtica latinoamericana.Pero el lugar de Soca entre dos mundos no se limita a su actividad de editora entre Francia y Uruguay. Mi hip¨®tesis es que el retorno opera tambi¨¦n en su poes¨ªa y en sus ensayos como un gesto de escritura que da sentido y unidad a toda su obra. El retorno funciona en sus textos como un mecanismo que nos permite comprender el lugar en el que Soca se sit¨²a, no desde un afuera extranjerizante, sino en la mirada extra ada de quien regresa al origen. After various decades of silence, Susana Soca¡¯s return to Uruguayan literary criticism is significant due to the prevalence of her magazine La Licorne, published in two periods (Paris 1947 ¨C Montevideo 1953), and which represents without a doubt a model of transatlantic literary relations of the mid 20th Century.if after the tragic event of her death in 1959, Susana Soca was relegated to minor status in the literary scene, it is, in part, due to the foreign tendencies and anachronistic elements that she incarnated in a moment of acute Latin-American consciousness. But Susana Soca¡¯s place in between two worlds is not limited to her activity as an editor between France and Uruguay. My hypothesis is that the return also operates in her poetry and in her essays as an act of writing that gives meaning and unity to her work. The return functions in her texts as a mechanism that allows us to understand the place in which Susana Soca is situated, not as that of a foreign-outsider, but as that of someone who returns to her origin with an estranged gaze. %K poetry %K return %K essay %K poes¨ªa %K Soca (Susana) %K retorno/recepci¨®n %K Licorne (La) %K ensayo %U http://amerika.revues.org/2612