%0 Journal Article %T Before and After: The 2008 Election and the Second ¡°Solid South¡± %A James B. Cobb %J American Studies Journal %D 2012 %I American Studies Journal %X When the general election campaign began in the fall of 2008, few expected Barack Obama to make much of a showing in the overwhelmingly republican South. Yet as the first African American to head a major party ticket, Obama did strikingly well in a region not particularly known for its recent sympathies for white Democrats, much less black ones. The South¡¯s somewhat surprising role in the 2008 presidential election can best be appreciated in the context of a regional political tradition which, since the end of Reconstruction, has been marked less by true two-party competition than sustained periods of domination by each. %K Barack Obama %K United States %K America %K South %K politics %K presidency %K election %K campaign %U http://www.asjournal.org/archive/56/206.html