%0 Journal Article %T La justice militaire belge en 14-18 : Repr¨¦sentations culturelles et r¨¦alit¨¦s quantitatives %A Beno£¿t Amez %J Amnis %D 2011 %I University of Western Brittany %R 10.4000/amnis.1311 %X Bien des combattants belges de 14-18 nous ont pr¨¦sent¨¦ la justice militaire comme r¨¦pressive et profond¨¦ment in¨¦galitaire. Cependant certains d¡¯entre eux nous renvoient simultan¨¦ment l¡¯image d¡¯une institution en crise, incapable de faire face ¨¤ la situation : les condamn¨¦s ¨¦chappent ¨¤ l¡¯ex¨¦cution et sont envoy¨¦s ¨¤ l¡¯arri¨¨re, ¨¤ l¡¯abri des bombes. La r¨¦alit¨¦ p¨¦nale nous r¨¦v¨¨le toutefois un nombre de condamnations relativement ¨¦lev¨¦ tout au long du conflit. A contrario, les condamnations ¨¤ mort sont rares et les ex¨¦cutions plus encore. L¡¯immense majorit¨¦ des peines ne sont pas appliqu¨¦es dans leur enti¨¨ret¨¦. Les soldats condamn¨¦s sont envoy¨¦s massivement dans des compagnies de correction. L¡¯objectif de ces compagnies est d¡¯offrir une seconde chance ¨¤ ces condamn¨¦s mais aussi et surtout de d¨¦jouer les man uvres de ceux qui veulent se soustraire aux dangers du front. La justice militaire, bien que critiqu¨¦e par les soldats belges dans leurs ¨¦crits en tant que partie int¨¦grante du syst¨¨me militaire, n¡¯est cependant pas cause d¡¯une remise en question de la guerre. La mobilisation du soldat belge pour la dur¨¦e du conflit est donc probablement le r¨¦sultat d¡¯un m¨¦lange d'adh¨¦sion et de contrainte. Notons toutefois que l'ob¨¦issance requise par l'arm¨¦e semble avoir ¨¦t¨¦ accept¨¦e par la grande majorit¨¦ des combattants. Quite a lot of Belgian combatants from World War I showed how the military justice was repressive and utterly unequal. But some of them also pointed the failure of the military justice in crisis, unable to deal with the situation. The sentenced combatants escaped their condemnation to death, and were sent to the back of the front line, safe from bomb attacks. However the penal reality showed that the number of sentences was constantly relatively important throughout the conflict. On the other hand sentences to death and above all executions were unusual, and the great majority of the sentences were not entirely enforced. The sentenced soldiers were massively sent to disciplinary companies. The aim was to give them the opportunity of a second chance and above all to foil the plans of those who tried to escape from the dangers on the front line. The Belgian soldiers criticized the military justice for being an integral part of the military system. Nevertheless the combatant reports didn¡¯t question the war itself. So the mobilization of the Belgian soldiers during the conflict seemed to be a mixture of adherence and duress. Strange though, the obedience to the army seemed to be accepted by the great majority of the combatants. Para muchos combatientes be %K Belgium %K War Culture %K Justice %K World War I %K B¨¦lgica %K cultura de guerra %K Justicia %K Primera Guerra Mundial %K Belgique %K Premi¨¨re Guerre mondiale %K culture de guerre %K Justice %U http://amnis.revues.org/1311