%0 Journal Article %T Reality of Norms and Reality: A reply to Fred Gr¨¹nfeld %A Michal Onderco %J Amsterdam Law Forum %D 2012 %I VU University Library %X In a previous issue of this journal Fred Gr¨¹nfeld argues that while lawyers fail to take into account social reality once a legal norm has been determined, international relations scholars ¡°skip the norm¡± and research social reality. On the basis of the subsequent demonstrations, Gr¨¹nfeld contended (quite rightly) that lawyers and social scientists are not familiar with each other¡¯s work, while studying the same phenomena, although in ¡°different phases¡±. He, however, argues that such division should be kept in place and lawyers and social scientists should remain working separately. In this reply, I will address both the empirical elements of Gr¨¹nfeld¡¯s argument as well as his substantive argument of keeping the two disciplines separated. %K lawyers %K social scientists %K IR scholars %U http://ojs.ubvu.vu.nl/alf/article/view/249