%0 Journal Article %T El cuestionamiento del modelo femenino tradicional en dos comedias de Julia Maura: Chocolate a la espa ola (1953) y Jaque a la juventud (1965 %A Inmaculada Plaza Agudo %J Anagn¨®risis : Revista de Investigaci¨®n Teatral %D 2010 %I Anagn¨®risis : Revista de Investigaci¨®n Teatral %X Julia Maura¡®s dramatic production shows a special concern with gender topics, so an analysis of her theatre from this point of view reveals that, even in those societies deeply conservative such as Franco¡®s regime, theatre can become away of expressing new models and heterodox phenomena which are far away from those justified by power. In the analyzed plays, Chocolate a la espa ola (1953) and Jaque a la juventud (1965), the author deals with some controversial issues which were strongly conditioning women¡® life and which the regime tried to conceal or to manipulate: stigmatization of single women, convenience marriages, non wished pregnancies, etc. In these works, she also shows the social changes which were happening in an apparently stillsociety such as the Spanish society of the 40s, 50s and 60s. Julia Maura¡®s theatre highlights system¡®s contradictions,especially those related to society double moral which judges in a different way female and male behaviour and to old traditions and habits, that don¡®t make citizenship happy. The plays are, then, extremely transgressor if we take in mind that they were written in a moment in which censorship was totally in force and that this affected specially to women¡® production. %K Gender %K Franco's regime %K Julia Maura %K Chocolate a la espa ola %K Jaque a la juventud %U http://anagnorisis.es/pdfs/num1.pdf