%0 Journal Article %T THE DISORDERS OF THE LIPID METABOLISM IN THE EXPERIMENTAL ESTROGENIC DEFICIENCY AND THE EFFECT OF THE VEGETAL ANTIOXIDANTS DIET %A Daniela Badoi %A Veronica Mocanu %A Eduard Crauciuc %A Eugen Ungureanu %J Analele £¿tiin£¿ifice Ale Universit£¿£¿ii Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Ia£¿i,Sectiunea II A : Genetica si Biologie Moleculara %D 2012 %I Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi %X In our days we have a great number of cardiovascular diseases with atherosclerotic etiopathogeny. That`s whythere is a important preocupation for identifying the atherogenic risk factors (lipid metabolism disorders). This studyfollows the effects of the ovarian hormones deficit in surgical menopause (experimental ovariectomy). The absence of theendogen estrogens disrupts the lipid metabolism and diminishes the antioxidant capacity. Another goal was to evaluatethe lipid profile improved by taking a flax seed diet rich in phytoestrogens. The experiment will be performed on whiterats, females, of the Wistar race. The supplementary diet with flax seeds will be administered to the ovariectomizedgroups as well as to the control groups. In the case of animals with a hormonal deficit (ovariectomy) we found thepresence of dyslipidemia: hypercholesterolemia and/or hypertriglyceridemia. Supplementing the diet with flax seeds ledto the decreasing of the total seric cholesterol (p>0.05) and of the seric triglycerides (p<0.05). The seric HDL-C presentedslight increases (p>0.05), after supplementing the diet with whole flax seeds, which suggests the protection of theendothelium, with the diminishing of the risk of triggering endothelial dysfunction. These results demonstrate thebeneficial effects of phytoestrogens from flax seed on lipid metabolism in experimental menopause. %U http://www.gbm.bio.uaic.ro/index.php/gbm/article/view/951