%0 Journal Article %T Percep o subjetiva do esfor o, resposta afetiva e hipotens o p車s-exerc赤cio em sess o de Tai Chi Chuan Rating of perceived exertion, affective response and post-exercise hypotension in Tai Chi Chuan session %A Cheng Hsin Nery Chao %A Alexandre Hideki Okano %A Paulo Andr谷 Holanda Savir %A Emanuel Augusto Alves %J Motriz: Revista de Educaˋˋo F赤sica %D 2013 %I Universidade Estadual Paulista %X O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a percep o subjetiva do esfor o (PSE), resposta afetiva (RA) e press o arterial p車s-exerc赤cio em sess o aguda de Tai Chi Chuan (TCC). Vinte e quatro mulheres (47-79 anos; 9 normotensas e 15 hipertensas) foram submetidas a uma sess o de TCC e uma sess o controle (delineamento cruzado). A PSE foi avaliada pela escala de Borg (CR10), a RA pela escala de val那ncia afetiva (+5/-5) e a press o arterial (PA) pelo m谷todo oscilom谷trico (5, 10, 25, 20, 25 e 30 min p車s-sess o). Redu o significante da PA sist車lica foi identificada aos 20 e 25 min ap車s a sess o de TCC somente nas hipertensas. Os valores de RA e PSE foram +2,8 ㊣ 1,9 e 3,5 ㊣ 1,2, respectivamente. Os resultados sugerem que uma sess o de TCC de intensidade moderada foi prazerosa para as volunt芍rias (hipertensas e normotensas), embora tenha induzido discreto efeito hipotensor agudo na PA sist車lica somente das hipertensas. The aim of the study was to analyze the rating of perceived exertion (RPE), affective response (AR), and blood pressure (BP) post-exercise in acute Tai Chi Chuan (TCC) session. Twenty-four women (47-79 years; 9 normotensive and 15 hypertensive) performed one TCC and one control session (cross-over design). The RPE was assessed using the Borg's scale (CR10), the AR was assessed by the Feeling Scale (+5/-5) and the BP by the oscillometric method (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30min post-TCC session). A significant systolic BP reduction was observed in the 20 and 25min post-TCC session only in the hypertensive women. The AR and RPE values were +2.8 ㊣ 1.9 e 3.5 ㊣ 1.2, respectively. The results suggest that a moderate TCC exercise bout was pleasurable for the volunteers (normotensive and hypertensive), although it has induced a slight acute hypotensive effect on the systolic BP only in the hypertensive women. %K Sa迆de da mulher %K Press o arterial %K Preven o prim芍ria %K Atividade f赤sica %K Women's health %K Blood pressure %K Primary prevention %K Physical activity %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1980-65742013000100013