%0 Journal Article %T Estrat¨¦gias de ensino para alunos deficientes visuais: a Proposta Curricular do Estado de S o Paulo Strategies for teaching visually impaired students: the Curriculum Proposal of S o Paulo State %A Maria Luiza Salzani Fiorini %A D¨¦bora Deliberato %A Eduardo Jos¨¦ Manzini %J Motriz: Revista de Educa£¿£¿o F¨ªsica %D 2013 %I Universidade Estadual Paulista %X As estrat¨¦gias e recursos s o primordiais para a participa o do aluno com defici¨ºncia visual nas aulas de educa o f¨ªsica. Assim, objetivou-se planejar estrat¨¦gias de ensino e adapta es de recursos com foco na inclus o educacional do aluno com defici¨ºncia visual fundamentando-se nas atividades contidas na Proposta Curricular do Estado de S o Paulo. Tr¨ºs etapas foram delineadas a partir da an¨¢lise da Proposta Curricular: 1) identificar os temas propostos para cada bimestre; 2) analisar o "caderno do professor " em termos de situa es de aprendizagem e o desenvolvimento de cada uma delas e, 3) planejar estrat¨¦gias de ensino e adapta es de recursos. Dez estrat¨¦gias de ensino foram planejadas, quatro novos recursos foram indicados e duas adapta es de recursos pedag¨®gicos foram sugeridas para as aulas. As atividades da Proposta Curricular permitiram um planejamento de estrat¨¦gias voltado ¨¤ participa o do aluno com defici¨ºncia visual juntamente com alunos sem defici¨ºncia. Strategies and resources are primary to the participation of students with visual impairments in physical education classes. The objective of this study was to plan teaching strategies and resource adaptations focusing on educational inclusion of students with visual impairment based on the activities held in the Curriculum Proposal for S o Paulo State. Three steps were outlined from the analysis of the Proposal: 1) identify the subjects for each bimester, 2) analyze the "teacher's book" in terms of learning situations and their development, and 3) plan educational strategies and resource adaptations. Ten teaching strategies were planned, four new resources were indicated and two teaching resources were adapted for the classes. The activities of the Curriculum Proposal allow strategy planning aimed at the participation of students with visual disabilities together with students without disabilities. %K T¨¦cnicas de planejamento %K Materiais %K Curr¨ªculo %K Deficientes Visuais %K Planning techinques %K Materials %K Curriculum %K Visually Impaired Persons %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1980-65742013000100007