%0 Journal Article %T Efficacy and safety of ERCP in a low-volume hospital Eficacia y seguridad de la CPRE en un hospital con bajo volumen %A Jos¨¦ Mar¨ªa Riesco-L¨®pez %A Manuel V¨¢zquez-Romero %A Juana Mar¨ªa Rizo-Pascual %A Miguel Rivero-Fern¨¢ndez %J Revista Espa£¿ola de Enfermedades Digestivas %D 2013 %I The Spanish Society of Digestive Pathology %X Background and aims: there is little scientific evidence on the outcomes of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) performed in low-volume hospitals; however, in our country, it is growing up its implementation. The objectives of our study were to evaluate the efficacy and safety of this technique performed by two endoscopists with basic training in a center of this nature and analyze the learning curve in the first procedures. Patients and methods: single-center retrospective study of the first 200 ERCP performed in our hospital (analyzing the evolution between the first 100 and 100 following procedures), comparing them with the quality standards proposed in the literature. Results: from February 2009 to April 2011, we performed 200 ERCP in 169 patients, and the most common indications were: Choledocholithiasis (77 %), tumors (14.5 %) and other conditions (8.5 %). The cannulation rate rose from 85 % in the first 100 ERCP to 89 % in the next 100 procedures, clinical success from 81 % to 87 %, decreasing the post-ERCP acute pancreatitis rate from 11 % to 4 %, upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) from 3 % to 2 % and acute cholangitis from 4 % to 1 %. There was a death from a massive UGIB in a cirrhotic patient in the first group of patients and a case of biliary perforation resolved by surgery in the second one. Conclusions: the results obtained after performing 200 procedures support the ability to practice ERCP in low-volume hospitals obtaining levels of efficacy and safety in accordance with published quality standards. Introducci¨®n y objetivos: existe poca evidencia cient¨ªfica sobre los resultados de la CPRE realizada en hospitales con bajo volumen, sin embargo su puesta en marcha en nuestro medio es creciente. Los objetivos de nuestro estudio son evaluar la eficacia y seguridad de dicha t¨¦cnica realizada por dos endoscopistas biliares noveles en un centro de estas caracter¨ªsticas y analizar la curva de aprendizaje en los primeros procedimientos. Pacientes y m¨¦todos: estudio retrospectivo de las primeras 200 CPRE practicadas en nuestro hospital, analizando la progresi¨®n entre los 100 primeros procedimientos y los 100 segundos, compar¨¢ndolos con los est¨¢ndares de calidad propuestos en la literatura. Resultados: desde febrero de 2009 hasta abril de 2011 se realizaron 200 procedimientos a 169 pacientes con las siguientes indicaciones: coledocolitiasis (77 %), neoplasias (14,5 %) y otras patolog¨ªas (8,5 %). La tasa de canulaci¨®n ascendi¨® del 85 % en las 100 primeras CPRE al 89 % en las siguientes, el ¨¦xito cl¨ªnico del 81 % al 87 %, dismin %K Colangiopancreatograf¨ªa retr¨®grada endosc¨®pica (CPRE) %K Canulaci¨®n biliar %K Esfinterotom¨ªa %K Endoscopista biliar experto %K Curva de aprendizaje %K Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) %K Biliary cannulation %K Sphincterotomy %K Expert biliary endoscopist %K Learning curve %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1130-01082013000200002