%0 Journal Article %T NEW INSIGHTS INTO THE GENERATION OF THE ANGIOTENSIN PEPTIDES %A Ion Raducu Popescu %A Alin Ciobica %A Mircea David Gheorghe Pavelescu %J Analele £¿tiin£¿ifice Ale Universit£¿£¿ii Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Ia£¿i,Sectiunea II A : Genetica si Biologie Moleculara %D 2012 %I Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi %X The classical concept of Ang II as main pressor angiotensin peptide has undergone experienced substantial changes in the past few years. Many experimental research have revealed novel aspects of the circulating and tissue RAS. After a brief introduction concerning the two distinct forms of the angiotensin converting enzyme and proangiotensin ¨C 12 as a new potential precursor for the formation of bioactive angiotensin peptides, the generation and actions of the main bioactive fragments of Ang II are also presented. Among them are mentioned the pathways of formation and biological effects of Ang (1-7), Ang III, Ang IV and Ang V involved in the modulation of the Ang II, the most active multifunctional hormone of RAS. The inhibitory properties of the ACE2¨CAng (1-7)¨CMas axis are interpreted as a counterbalancing mechanism against the eventual deleterious actions of Ang II. As described here, these counter- regulatory properties provide the self-regulation of RAS, as a unitary and integrated hormone system. %U http://www.gbm.bio.uaic.ro/index.php/gbm/article/view/967