%0 Journal Article %T TAXES ON CONSUMPTION IN SOME EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES %A £¿ERBAN (BOICEANU) CORINA %A P£¿TRA£¿C MIHAELA %J Anale : Seria £¿tiin£¿e Economice. Timi£¿oara %D 2012 %I Mirton Publishing %X The paper studies the development, over the period 2000-2010, of tax revenues in eight EU countries. Taxes have been analyzed according to the standard structure, as well as to the new economic classification proposed by the Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union. %K taxes %K budgetary revenue %K ITR %U http://fse.tibiscus.ro/anale/Lucrari2012/kssue2012_049.pdf