%0 Journal Article %T CONTROLLED SYNTHESIS I. REACTION OF Sn(IV) AND Zr(IV) WITH SCHIFF BASES DERIVED FROM 1-H-INDOL-2,3-DIONE AND DIAMINES %A Angela Kriza %A Carmen Parnau %A N. Popa %A T. Ro£żu %J Analele Universitatii Bucuresti : Chimie %D 2004 %I %X A series of new metal chelates of Sn(IV) and Zr(IV) with the Schiff base ligandsformed by condensation of isatin with diamines have been synthesized and characterized viaelemental analyses, infrared, electronic spectral data and molar conductivity measurements. Thedata suggest a 1:1 (metal:ligand) stoichiometry for all the isolated complexes. The ligandsbehaves as dibasic ONNO tetradentate. %U http://gw-chimie.math.unibuc.ro/anunivch/2004/AUBCh2004XIII12179183.pdf