%0 Journal Article %T Les processus de socialisation des ¨¦tudiants de la d¨¦mocratisation universitaire The Processes of Socialization of Students Issuing from University Democratization %A Sandrine Nicourd %J Recherches Sociologiques et Anthropologiques %D 2011 %I Universit¨¦ Catholique de Louvain %R 10.4000/rsa.728 %X Cet article, fond¨¦ sur une recherche longitudinale sur une population ¨¦tudiante de deux universit¨¦s de la r¨¦gion parisienne, montre les processus de socialisation ¨¤ l¡¯universit¨¦. Ils sont autant li¨¦s aux trajectoires interg¨¦n¨¦rationnelles qu¡¯aux conditions concr¨¨tes dans lesquelles les ¨¦tudiants trouvent progressivement place ¨¤ l¡¯universit¨¦. La pluralit¨¦ des trajectoires met en ¨¦vidence la complexit¨¦ des m¨¦canismes de promotion sociale pour les ¨¦tudiants issus de la d¨¦mocratisation universitaire et la faiblesse des supports propos¨¦s par les universit¨¦s pour permettre ce cheminement. This article, based on a longitudinal research on a female population of two Paris region universities, shows the processes of socialization present at the university. They are as much related to the intergenerational trajectories as to the concrete conditions in which the students gradually find themselves places at the university. The broadness of the trajectories highlights the complexity of the mechanisms of social advancement for the students issuing from university democratization and the weakness of the supports proposed by the universities to allow this advance. %U http://rsa.revues.org/728