%0 Journal Article %T Douglas Biber, Ulla Connor & Thomas A. Upton, Discourse on the Move: Using Corpus Analysis to Describe Discourse Structure %A Shirley Carter-Thomas %J Recherche et Pratiques P¨¦dagogiques en Langues de Sp¨¦cialit¨¦ : Cahiers de l'APLIUT %D 2012 %I Association des Professeurs de Langues des IUT (APLIUT) %X I was impatient to read this new book by Douglas Biber and colleagues and discover their views on using corpus-based approaches to investigate discourse structure. However, the first point to make about the book, volume 28 in the John Benjamins series Studies in corpus linguistics, is its rather particular authorial status. This is not a book written solely by the three authors named on the jacket; nor is it however an edited volume. It is instead a multi-authored work, and in addition to Dou... %U http://apliut.revues.org/1023