%0 Journal Article %T Action publique en d¨¦tention : d¨¦cloisonnement, r¨¦insertion et r¨¦paration. Le cas d¡¯une prison ouverte Public Action and Detention: Decompartmentalizing, Reinsertion and Reparation. The Case of an Open Prison %A Christophe Dubois %J Recherches Sociologiques et Anthropologiques %D 2011 %I Universit¨¦ Catholique de Louvain %R 10.4000/rsa.354 %X L¡¯objet de cet article consiste ¨¤ rendre compte du fonctionnement d¡¯une prison ouverte, situ¨¦e en Belgique n¨¦erlandophone, o¨´ le pari d¡¯associer d¨¦tention, r¨¦-insertion et r¨¦paration a ¨¦t¨¦ tent¨¦. Ce projet est encadr¨¦ par deux programmes d¡¯action publique pr¨¦sentant deux traits communs. D¡¯abord, ils structurent une offre ¨¦largie d¡¯activit¨¦s propos¨¦es aux d¨¦tenus. Ensuite, leur mise en uvre est confi¨¦e ¨¤ de nouveaux acteurs professionnels. Le processus d¡¯int¨¦gration de ces derniers au sein de l¡¯¨¦tablissement p¨¦nitentiaire renforce l¡¯ouverture de la pri-son d¡¯Hoogstraten ¨¤ de nouveaux partenariats et ¨¤ de nouvelles activit¨¦s. Enfin, l¡¯analyse de ce cas concret et tr¨¨s particulier tend ¨¤ nuancer la pertinence des concepts d¡¯institutions totalitaires (Goffman) et de politiques publiques, au pro-fit des notions de d¨¦cloisonnement et d¡¯action publique (Commaille). The goal of this article consists in understanding the functioning of an open prison, situated in Dutch-speaking Belgium, wherein the challenge of associating detention, reinsertion and reparation has been attempted. This project fits into two public action programmes presenting two common traits. First of all, they structure an enlarged offer of activities, proposed to detainees. Then, operation is confided to new professional actors. The process of integration of the latter within the penitentiary establishment reinforces the openness of the Hoogstraten prison to new partnerships and new activities. Finally, the analysis of this concrete and very particular case tends to deemphasize the relevance of the concepts of totalitarian institutions (Goffman) and of public policies , to the advantage of a conception in terms of decompartmentalizing (Blanc) and public action (Commaille). %U http://rsa.revues.org/354