%0 Journal Article %T RELASI ISLAM DAN NEGARA DI INDONESIA DAN MALAYSIA %A Kamsi Kamsi %J Mukaddimah : Jurnal Studi Islam %D 2012 %I %X There is nothing the so-called Islamic politics as politics in Islam is basically human affairs. The political terms mainly imply human¡¯s efforts (ijitih}adiyyah) rather than sacred revealed doctrine. In historical point of views, the above assumption is clearly demonstrated through the multiple forms and dynamics of the state and religion relationship. This article is deemed to uncover the political dynamics of the state and religion relation in two biggest Muslim countries, Indonesia and Malaysia. It is argued that in these countries political regimes and their opponents speak on behalf of Islam legitimasing their struggles. In Indonesia, the state ideology, Pancasila, has been a major debate colouring the tension between the state and religion, whereas in Malaysia the so-called official religion is the main source of contestation. Problem politik Islam merupakan persoalan ijtih}adiyyah. Ini dibuktikan dengan relasi Islam dan negara yang mengalami pasang surut. Tulisan ini menjelaskan dinamika relasi Islam dan negara di dua negara muslim terbesar di dunia, Malaysia dan Indonesia. Di dua negara tersebut, baik rejim politik ataupun penentangnya, sama-sama mengatasnamakan Islam untuk melegitimasi perjuangan mereka. Jika di Indonesia, Pancasila menjadi warna penting dalam interpretasi Islam, maka di Malaysia doktrin ¡®agama resmi¡¯ menjadi sumber kontestasi. Kata kunci: Islam dan negara, Indonesia, Malaysia. %U http://mukaddimah.kopertais3.net/index.php/muk/article/view/2