%0 Journal Article %T Genres, forms and status: a pharmacy for transmission - DOI: 10.3395/reciis.v3i3.294en %A V¨¦ronique Temperville %J RECIIS : Electronic Journal of Communication, Information & Innovation in Health %D 2009 %I Instituto de Comunica??o e Informa??o Cient¨ªfica e Tecnol¨®gica em Sa¨²de (Icict) da Funda??o Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz) %X This paper addresses the notions of genre and form via a new reading of Derrida and shows that the ineffable nature of pharmakon throws light on how permanence, hybridation and metamorphosis are present in digital documents. The notion of context comes to the fore and problems of legibility and legitimation are understood to be a constant feature in the reception of documents. %K digital documents %K legitimation %K information literacy %K web 2.0 %K reading %U http://www.reciis.cict.fiocruz.br/index.php/reciis/article/view/294/343