%0 Journal Article %T Considerations Regarding the use of Beam Models for Accurate Calculus of Natural Frequencies %A Carla Protocsil %A Ionic£¿ Negru %A Zeno-Iosif Praisach %A Gilbert-Rainer Gillich %J Analele Universit£¿£¿ii Eftimie Murgu Re£¿i£¿a. Fascicula de Inginerie %D 2012 %I Eftimie Murgu University of Resita %X The paper reflects the research performed by the authors, in destined to find out the proper beam model, in concordance with its geometrical characteristics. This knowledge is needed to establish the adequate relations in the difficult process of damage detection. First, we calculated the natural frequencies for two cases: the Euler-Bernoulli model and the Share model. Afterwards, using FEM simulations we determined these frequencies again. Comparison between analytic results and FEM analysis allow seeing which theoretical models best fit for the various investigated cases. %K beam %K natural frequency %K FEM analysis %K Euler-Bernoulli model %K Share model %U http://anale-ing.uem.ro/2012/30.pdf