%0 Journal Article %T Financiamiento y comercializaci車n de la agricultura familiar en el Gran La Plata. Estudio en el marco de un proyecto de Desarrollo Territorial Financing and commercialization of family farming in Gran La Plata. Study as part of a Territorial Development project %A Ram車n I. Cieza %J Mundo agrario %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X Currently, family farming has taken visibility both in academic works and in the design of public policies. Even though are recognized own characteristics which differentiate it from the business production, they are presented according to the type of production and the territory where they are inserted, particularities that allow defining and analyzing them. In the case of family horticultural and flower production, which supplies with fresh products to big urban centers, the specificity of labor-intensive production system, the technologies utilized, the characteristics of the obtained products, their commercialization and their localization, differs substantially from others productive systems of the country. According to diagnosis made by INTA [2004] and other qualitative works in suburbs of Buenos Aires, the difficulties faced by these households are multiples. Among the most important are mentioned the subordination in the commercial chain and the access to financing. This paper seeks account for a territorial development project in the peri-urban region of Gran La Plata, which addresses from an integral perspective, to financing aspects and commercialization to family farmers It focuses on 30 family farmers from La Plata and Berazategui belonging to the project "Banco Social", implemented by Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales from UNLP; advancing on an analysis regarding the access to financing and the commercial strategies carried out by the family farmers under study En la actualidad, la agricultura familiar ha tomado visibilidad tanto en trabajos acad谷micos como en el dise o de pol赤ticas p迆blicas. Si bien se reconocen caracter赤sticas propias que la diferencian de la producci車n empresarial, se presentan de acuerdo al tipo de producci車n y el territorio donde se inserta, particularidades que permiten definirlas y analizarlas. En el caso de la producci車n hortiflor赤cola familiar que abastece de productos frescos a los grandes centros urbanos, la especificidad del sistema productivo intensivo en trabajo, las tecnolog赤as utilizadas, las caracter赤sticas de los productos obtenidos, su comercializaci車n y localizaci車n, difiere sustancialmente de otros sistemas productivos del pa赤s. De acuerdo a diagn車sticos elaborados por INTA [2004] y otros trabajos cualitativos en el periurbano bonaerense, las dificultades que afrontan estas unidades familiares son de car芍cter m迆ltiple. Entre las m芍s importantes se mencionan la subordinaci車n en la cadena comercial y acceso al financiamiento. Este trabajo busca dar cuenta de un proyecto de desarrollo territorial %K Agricultura familiar %K Horticultura %K Desarrollo territorial %U http://mundoagrario.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/1914