%0 Journal Article %T Theoretical and Numerical Analysis for the Design of a Safety Barrier as Road Restraint System %A Constantin Vasile B£¿tea %A Gabriel Jiga %J Analele Universit£¿£¿ii Eftimie Murgu Re£¿i£¿a. Fascicula de Inginerie %D 2010 %I Eftimie Murgu University of Resita %X The paper deals with a theoretical background and with numerical studies achieved on an N2 safety barrier, with normal protection. In order to determine the impact force, a model at a reduced scale was proposed. For the calculus of the dynamic load due to the impact, the corresponding maximum deflection was determined. In the same time, the equivalent stress distribution was plotted for the examined case. %K safety barrier %K numerical analysis %K car crash %U http://anale-ing.uem.ro/2010/24_C.pdf