%0 Journal Article %T The involvement of Narcissus hispanicus Gouan in the origin of Narcissus bujei and of cultivated trumpet daffodils (Amaryllidaceae) %A Zonneveld %A B. J.M. %J Anales del Jard赤n Bot芍nico de Madrid %D 2010 %I Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient赤ficas %X To investigate the origin of cultivated trumpet daffodils the genome size (2C-value) of more than 100 old and new cultivars were measured. A large number of concolored yellow tetraploid cultivars with large coronas seem to be derived from a doubling of chromosomes of a hybrid of the two species N. hispanicus Gouan and N. pseudonarcissus L. This can also still be recognized by the presence of a black spot at the top of the anthers in about 15 % of the tetraploid cultivars. Assuming N. pseudonarcissus as one of the parents of the allotetraploid cultivars, species of trumpet daffodils of section Pseudonarcissi investigated earlier were compared. Doubling of the nuclear DNA content of 23.8 pg of N. pseudonarcissus falls short of the values found for the trumpet daffodils. Species of trumpet daffodils of section Pseudonarcissi with a complementing higher amount of nuclear DNA like N. hispanicus with 25.8 pg, N. poeticus L. with 26 pg and the hexaploid N. pseudonarcissus ssp. bicolor (L.) Baker with 67.7 pg (Zonneveld,2008) and other species were evaluated. N. hispanicus with 25.8 pg clearly differs from N. pseudonarcissus with 23.8 pg and is accepted here also as a species. The nuclear DNA content of N. bujei (Fern. Casas) Fern. Casas with 30 pg fits with the (ancient) hybrid origin for N. bujei between N. longispathus Pugsley (36 pg) and N. hispanicus Gouan (25.8 pg). The tetraploids with white tepals and yellow corona*s can be obtained by crossing a diploid N. pseudonarcissus with the hexaploid and bicolored N. pseudonarcissus ssp. bicolor (L.) Baker. Para investigar el origen de los narcisos trompeta cultivados se midi車 el tama o del genoma (valor 2C) de m芍s de 100 cultivares viejos y nuevos. Un gran n迆mero de cultivares tetraploides amarillos de color uniforme y con grandes coronas parec赤an derivarse de una duplicaci車n de cromosomas de un h赤brido de las dos especies N. hispanicus Gouan y N. pseudonarcissus L. Esto tambi谷n se observa por la presencia de una mancha negra en la parte superior de las anteras en alrededor del 15 % de los cultivares tetraploides. Tomando a N. pseudonarcissus por uno de los parentales de los cultivares alotetraploides, se compararon especies de narcisos trompeta de la secci車n Pseudonarcissi que ya hubiesen sido investigados anteriormente. La duplicaci車n del contenido de ADN nuclear de 23,8 pg de N. pseudonarcissus queda por debajo de los valores hallados en los narcisos trompeta. Se evaluaron otras especies de narciso trompeta de la secci車n Pseudonarcissi con una cantidad m芍s alta de ADN nuclear complementaria, tales como N. hi %K Narcissus hispanicus %K daffodil origin %K origin of N. bujei %K Narcissus hispanicus %K origen de los narcisos trompeta %K origen de N. bujei %U http://rjb.revistas.csic.es/index.php/rjb/article/view/340/335