%0 Journal Article %T Microsculpture of cypselae surface of Baccharis sect. Caulopterae (Asteraceae) from Brazil %A Schneider %A Angelo Alberto %A Boldrini %A Ilsi Iob %J Anales del Jard¨ªn Bot¨¢nico de Madrid %D 2011 %I Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient¨ªficas %X The aim of this study was to characterize the microsculpture of the cypselae surface of the Brazilian species of Baccharis L. sect. Caulopterae DC. (Asteraceae), and to compare this data it with the taxonomy of the group. Scanning electron microscopy was used to examine the cypsela surface of 25 taxa of Baccharis sect. Caulopterae from Brazil. According to the micromorphology of the cypsela surface, the species can be classified into five distinct groups. The cypselae of the species of the Baccharis trimera species complex (B. crispa, B. cylindrica, B. jocheniana, B. myriocephala, and B. trimera) share the same micromorphological features. Para examinar la superficie de cipselas de 25 t¨¢xones de Baccharis L. sect. Caulopterae DC. de Brasil se ha utilizado la microscop¨ªa electr¨®nica de barrido. El objetivo del estudio fue caracterizar la microescultura de la superficie de cipselas de la secci¨®n y colaborar con la delimitaci¨®n taxon¨®mica a nivel espec¨ªfico. Las especies fueron clasificadas en cinco grupos distintos seg¨²n la micromorfolog¨ªa y asignados a la terminolog¨ªa existente. El complejo Baccharis trimera (B. crispa, B. cylindrica, B. jocheniana, B. myriocephala y B. trimera) mostr¨® afinidades micromorfol¨®gicas de las cipselas. %K achene %K carpology %K carqueja %K Compositae %K micromorphology %K SEM %K taxonomy %K aquenio %K carpolog¨ªa %K carqueja %K Compositae %K MEB %K micromorfolog¨ªa %K taxonom¨ªa %U http://rjb.revistas.csic.es/index.php/rjb/article/view/360/354