%0 Journal Article %T Anatomy and fruit development in Schinopsis balansae (Anacardiaceae) %A Gonz¨¢lez %A Ana Mar¨ªa %A Vesprini %A Jos¨¦ Luis %J Anales del Jard¨ªn Bot¨¢nico de Madrid %D 2010 %I Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient¨ªficas %X Schinopsis balansae Engl. is a dioecious tree; reproduction is by woody samaras containing a single seed. Fruit set is high, even in isolated trees, empty fruits are frequent and account for a high proportion of the total fruit production. To describe the anatomy and the ontogeny of seeded and seedless fruits, flowers and fruits at different development stages from bagged and pollen exposed flowers were studied. The development and the anatomy of the pericarp in seeded and parthenocarpic fruits did not differ. It consisted in an exocarp formed sensu lato from the external epidermis of the ovary and some layers of the underlying parenchyma. The mature mesocarp was constituted by a sclerified tissue and lysigenous channels. The fruit is of Anacardium type: the endocarp presented three sclerenchymatic and a crystalliferous layer. The endocarp development was also sensu lato because it was formed from the epidermis and the hypodermis of the carpel. This organization agrees with the only species described in the genus: S. haenkeana Engl. Schinopsis balansae is able to produce parthenocarpic fruits in the absence of pollination. Empty fruits from free exposed flowers presented embryos arrested at different stages, although total absence of an embryo was the most common condition. Parthenocarpy seems to be a plesiomorphic trait within the Anacardiaceae, but regardless of its origin, the maintenance of empty fruit production in a wind-dispersed samara is difficult to explain. Whether parthenocarpy has an adaptive value, or is an evolutionary constraint remains unclear in Schinopsis. Schinopsis balansae Engl. es un ¨¢rbol dioico, cuya reproducci¨®n se realiza a trav¨¦s de s¨¢maras uniseminadas. La producci¨®n de frutos es muy alta y una gran proporci¨®n de los mismos son vanos. Con la finalidad de describir la anatom¨ªa y ontogenia de los frutos, con y sin semillas, se trabaj¨® con flores y frutos en distintos estados de desarrollo. Se utilizaron inflorescencias femeninas expuestas y embolsadas. El pericarpo de frutos con semilla y partenoc¨¢rpicos presenta el mismo desarrollo y anatom¨ªa: est¨¢ constituido por un exocarpo formado sensu lato a partir de la epidermis externa del ovario y algunas capas del par¨¦nquima subyacente. El mesocarpo maduro est¨¢ constituido por escler¨¦nquima y canales lis¨ªgenos. Por las caracter¨ªsticas del endocarpo, este fruto se clasifica como tipo Anacardium, presentando tres estratos esclerenquim¨¢ticos y uno cristal¨ªfero. El desarrollo del endocarpo tambi¨¦n es sensu lato, ya que deriva de la epidermis e hipodermis del carpelo. Esta anatom¨ªa concu %K dioecy %K dry fruits %K fruit ontogeny %K parthenocarpy %K agamospermy %K samaras %K quebracho %K empty fruits %K pericarp %K dioecia %K frutos secos %K frutos vanos %K partenocarpia %K pericarpio %K quebracho %K s¨¢maras %U http://rjb.revistas.csic.es/index.php/rjb/article/view/346/341