%0 Journal Article %T El estudio de las "buenas pr芍cticas" docentes en la ense anza universitaria %A Miguel Angel Zabalza Beraza %J REDU : Revista de Docencia Universitaria %D 2012 %I Red Estatal de Docencia Universitaria (RED-U) %X El estudio y visibilizaci車n de las ※buenas pr芍cticas§ docentes constituye uno de los principales compromisos de la investigaci車n educativa (Shulman, 1986). La UNESCO recog赤a esta idea en su objetivo estrat谷gico para la educaci車n de esta d谷cada: ※Promouvir l*experimentation, l*innovation ainsi que la diffusion et le partage de l*information et des meilleures pratiques, de m那me que le dialogue sur les principles d*action dans le domaine de l*education§ (UNESCO 31C/4). Y en t谷minos similares el Bureau International d*Education (BIE) se ala como su misi車n b芍sica para estos a os: ※(a) Faciliter la circulation de l*information et l*echange d*experiences a travers le monde e (b) systematiser, analyser et mettre 角 disposition ces informations et exp谷riences§. En el caso de la Educaci車n Superior estos prop車sitos adquieren un especial relieve. Partiendo del sentido e importancia de las ※buenas pr芍cticas§ en la ense anza universitaria, el art赤culo analiza los criterios y las condiciones para llevar a cabo su identificaci車n, selecci車n y an芍lisis. Se se alan, igualmente, algunos principios de procedimiento a seguir en la investigaci車n sobre buenas pr芍cticas en la docencia universitaria de forma que se poibilite el pdoer identificar sus caracter赤sticas b芍sicas y reforzar su potencial como recurso de mejora. ABSTRACT The study of ※best teaching practices§ in Higher Education To study and make visible the "best teaching practices" is one of the main commitments of educational research (Shulman, 1986). UNESCOtook this idea as its strategic goal for education during the next decade: "To promote experimentation, innovation as well as dissemination and sharing of information and best practices, so as the dialogue on principles of action in the field of education§ (UNESCO 31C/4). In similar terms the Bureau International d'Education (BIE) also states its basic mission for the coming years: ※(a)To facilitate information flow and exchange of experiences around the world and (b) to systematize, analyze and make available such information and experiences". In the case of Higher Education these purposes acquire special importance. Departing from the meaningand importanceof "good practices"in educational research, the article discusses the criteria and conditions for carrying out the identification, selection and analysis of them. The text points out some principles of procedure in the research on best practices in university teaching so as to identify its basic features and enhance its potential as an improvement resource. %K Buenas pr芍cticas %K Ense anza universitaria %K Innovaci車n docente %K Pr芍ctica Docente %K Evaluaci車n calidad docente. %U http://red-u.net/redu/index.php/REDU/article/view/363