%0 Journal Article %T Hacia un indicador de consumo de energ¨ªa el¨¦ctrica m¨¢s efectivo en hoteles del grupo Cubanac¨¢n de la provincia de Camag¨¹ey %A Davel Borges %A et al. %J Ingenier¨ªa Energ¨¦tica %D 2011 %I %X The consideration of real consumption indicators is an indispensable element for the correct evaluation of the energyefficiency of a company. Not all the current indicators that use the hotel facilities are appropriate for this purpose.The paper presents factors, such as the ambient temperature and the type of tourist segment (international ornational), that influence in electric power consumption, through a case study in the Caracol Hotel. The truthfulness ofthe results has been checked in the four hotels of the Cubanacan Company of Camag¨¹ey. The correlation studiesbetween the electric power consumption and the activity level (rooms occupied days) keeping in mind the effect ofthese factors, they allow to end up outlining an indicator of more effective electric power consumption to evaluate theenergy efficiency in the hotel facilities. Finally we comment the effect of these factors in other consumption indicators %K energy consumption index %K energy efficiency in hotels %U http://revistascientificas.cujae.edu.cu/.%5CRevistas%5CEnergetica%5CVol-XXXII%5C1-2011%5C35-42_hacia_un_indicador_de_consumo.pdf