%0 Journal Article %T Un Algoritmo Gen¨¦tico Especializado en planeamiento de redes de distribuci¨®n Parte II. Detalles del algoritmo y su aplicaci¨®n %A Ra¨²l Nicol¨¢s Carvajal P¨¦rez %J Ingenier¨ªa Energ¨¦tica %D 2011 %I %X The first section explained the specifics characteristics of network planning and the selected method for genetic operators.In this papers, expose details about the algorithm steps, the mathematical procedures and some applications. %K networks %K planning %K genetic algorithm %K distribution networks %U http://revistascientificas.cujae.edu.cu/.RevistasEnergeticaVol-XXXII1-201177-85