%0 Journal Article %T An¨¢lisis del efecto de diferentes par¨¢metros en la magnitud de la corriente que penetra en las estructuras de una l¨ªnea de transmisi¨®n impactada por un rayo %A Angel C. Valc¨¢rcel Alfredo Ram¨ªrez %J Ingenier¨ªa Energ¨¦tica %D 2010 %I %X Lightning is one of the main causes of damage on electric power systems. The modeling in ATPDraw(Electromagnetic transient program) allows to know the effect of different lightning and the transmission lineparameters, on the magnitude of the electric current that penetrates into the structures when it receives adirect stroke on the top of the structure, on the shielding cable or on the phase conductors. %K lightning %K transmisi¨®n %K line %K overvoltage %U http://revistascientificas.cujae.edu.cu/.RevistasEnergeticaVol-XXXI2-201055-60_