%0 Journal Article %T Situaci車n de la gesti車n de inventarios en Cuba/Situation of Stock Management in Cuba %A Igor Lopes-Mart赤nez %A Martha In谷s G車mez-Acosta %J Ingenier赤a Industrial %D 2012 %I Instituto Superior Polit谷cnico Jos谷 Antonio Echeverr赤a (Cujae) %X El objetivo del presente art赤culo es analizar la situaci車n de la gesti車n de inventarios en Cuba, a partir de las experiencias obtenidas durante m芍s de 10 a os en entidades de los sectores de servicios, comerciales y producci車n. En nuestro pa赤s existen problemas como: la falta de disponibilidad, la inestabilidad de suministros, la baja rotaci車n de inventarios, los deficientes estudios realizados sobre demanda y productos obsoletos; todos los cuales est芍n relacionados directamente con los inventarios. Es por ello que se propone analizar estos problemas desde la perspectiva de la empresa y tratarlos a nivel de cadena de suministro, integraci車n d谷bilmente estructurada en nuestras entidades. Se realiza un an芍lisis de la relaci車n entre la legislaci車n vigente en Cuba y la gesti車n del inventario, por lo que se recomienda la utilizaci車n, en pr車ximos estudios, de un modelo de referencia para evaluar la situaci車n de la gesti車n de los inventarios en las empresas y cadenas de forma m芍s integral./The main objective of this article is to analyze the stock management situation in Cuba, taking into account the experiences obtained for more than 10 years in several enterprises which develop their activities in connection with the service, commercial and production fields. Cuban companies are facing problems such as: lack of availability, supply instability, low rotation of the stock, poor studies of demand, and obsolete productions; which have in common their relation with the stock management. That is why this research proposes to make an assessment of these problems from the point of view of the enterprise in connection with their supply chains. Such a comprehensive analysis is poorly developed in Cuban enterprises so far. It is also proposed an analysis of the laws and their connection with stock management. Finally, it is suggested the introduction of a reference model in order to assess, with more integrality, the status of the stock management in both the enterprises and the supply chains. %K gesti車n de inventarios %K indicadores de inventario %K ciclo log赤stico %K pol赤tica de surtidos %K gesti車n de demanda %K cadena de suministro %K stock management %K stock KPI (Key Performance Indicators) %K logistic cycle %K assortment policy %K demand management %K supply chain %U http://rii.cujae.edu.cu/index.php/revistaind/article/view/461/473