%0 Journal Article %T A Generator of MVC-based Web Applications %A Strahinja Lazetic %A Dusan Savic %A Sinisa Vlajic %A Sasa Lazarevic %J World of Computer Science and Information Technology Journal %D 2012 %I %X This paper presents a generator of Spring MVC-based web applications. The generator was designed using Freemarker template and HibernateTools toolset. The generated applications are fully functional web applications based on three tiers architecture and MVC software pattern. The structure of Spring web applications is explained in brief, while designed templates and their role in the process of code generation are elaborated in more detail. The generator was designed to show a possibility for fast development of a custom generator as a solution for specific application requirements. %K applications generator %K Spring %K Freemarker %K HibernateTools %K MVC. %U http://www.wcsit.org/pub/2012/vol.2.no.4/A%20Generator%20of%20MVC-based%20Web%20Applications.pdf